When you care for someone, it can be hard to find the time to look after yourself and your family. It is important that you take time out from your caring role to look after your own physical and emotional wellbeing. 

Short or longer breaks allow you to have some respite which can help prevent you from becoming exhausted and run down. Time for yourself can be good for both you and the person you care for. 

Break options include: 

  • support at home from a paid carer 
  • a short stay in a care home for the cared for person 
  • extended breaks 
  • sitting services – where a volunteer or hired carer keeps the cared-for person company for a few hours while you go out by yourself 
  • day care opportunities, for example at one of our day centres 
  • getting friends and family to help 

Accessing breaks 

There are lots of ways to do this: 

In some cases, a short break is recommended after your carer’s assessment or after the needs assessment of the person you look after. As adult social care services are means-tested, you or the person you care for may have to contribute towards the cost following a financial assessment

If you feel you would benefit from a short break and need advice on how to organise this please email ASCFirstResponse@merton.gov.uk or call 020 8545 4388. 

If the person you care for has a learning disability the Merton Integrated Learning and Disability Team can arrange breaks through a specialist service within Merton.  
Telephone: 020 8545 4552 or email LD.Admin@merton.gov.uk   

Find out more 

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