We have set an ambitious target to achieve net-zero carbon emissions by 2030.

Our emissions

We are responsible for around 2% of Merton's carbon emissions. These mainly arise through the use of electricity, gas and diesel in the council's buildings, community schools, streetlights and vehicle fleet. Other activities such as staff travel, and procured services carried out on behalf of the borough are harder to measure but are nevertheless important sources of emissions that we are seeking to reduce.

The table below shows the results of our latest 2023 greenhouse gas inventory for the council.

SourceCouncil emissions 2022
Buildings (gas)4.6 ktCO2e - 47% of emissions
Buildings (electricity)2.1 ktCO2e - 21% of emissions
Procured services1.9 ktCO2e - 20% of emissions
Street lights0.5 ktCO2e - 5% of emissions
Transport0.7 ktCO2e - 7% of emissions

9.7 ktCO2e in total, accounting for 2% of borough emissions.

What we are doing

Please see Workstream 6 of our Resident Summary Report, for everything we are doing to reduce emissions from our council buildings, community schools and our fleet.

To understand how we are reducing the environmental impact of the services we commission and the investments we make, please see Workstream 7 of the Resident Summary Report.

If you want to find out more about our how we are working with a whole range of stakeholders in the borough to address and adapt to climate change together, as well as what we are doing within the council to make sure all colleagues and processes align with our net zero ambitions, please see Workstream 8 of the Resident Summary Report.