Following the consultation on proposed improvements at Balfour Rd / Merton Road junction during July and August 2019, a decision has been made to implement a modified proposal. This decision has been made based on the feedback received during the consultation. Details can be viewed within the Cabinet Member report and decision sheet   

Following a number of complaints about the junction of Balfour Road and Merton Road, we are proposing a number of improvements as set out below.

The proposed measures include:

  1. Narrowing of the junction which will reduce the width of Balfour Road. This will reduce the width of the carriageway pedestrians need to cross and it will provide wider footways
  2. In the absence of allocated left and right turn lanes, it is likely to prove unattractive for those few who may choose to rat run
  3. It will prevent those who are in contravention of the One Way restriction
  4. Introduce trees on both sides on approach to the junction
  5. Declutter existing signs and posts as much as possible
  6. There will be no loss of parking
  7. The junction will be subject to a junction entry treatment that is pedestrian friendly and will slow drivers on approach to the junction


What happens next

Statutory consultation July-August 2019

As a rule, highway improvements as set out above are not subject to a consultation. The only aspect of the proposal that is subject to a statutory consultation is the junction entry treatment as set out in point 7 above.

We intend to undertake the statutory consultation for the introduction of the proposed junction entry treatment between 19 July 2019 and 16 August 2019. The consultation would involve publications in the local newspaper (The Wimbledon Times) and London Gazette with Notices on the lamp columns in the road.

Please note that a statutory consultation is not a tick box exercise. You must make your representations for or against the proposal described in the Notice in writing to Please quote reference ES/BalfourJunct. Representations must be received no later than 16th August 2019.

