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Child and Adolescent Mental Health Strategy 2015-2018

The Merton CAMH Strategy (2015-2018) provides our vision is for every child in Merton to enjoy good mental health and well-being and to able to achieve their ambitions and goals through being resilient and confident. We will do this through establishing high quality services that are focussed on individual needs and which promote good mental health through a clear focus on prevention, early detection and early help when issues first arise.

We will also ensure we have a range of services that make a real difference to children and young people with established or complex problems.

The strategy has been informed by national guidance at a time of CAMH transformation across England and by our local Joint Strategic Needs Assessment.

The strategy has been developed by our Child and Adolescent Mental Health (CAMH) Partnership and presents the first major step towards fulfilling our goal of bringing together all partners in a commitment to transform services, and setting out the actions we will jointly take over the next three years with children, young people and their families.