Merton and Sutton Governor Support Service

Advice and support service

The Merton and Sutton Governor Support Service provides accurate and timely advice and guidance to school governors and trustees, head teachers and clerks to governors of schools and academies to support them in their professional role and to ensure they operate within the regulations and in line with best practice. We provide the information governors need, in a variety of ways, to make important and informed decisions, which saves valuable time and energy searching for information. We produce model agendas, a termly newsletter and good practice guides which are held on a secure website.

If your school buys into our advice and support service, you can access the secure website here:

Log in to the governor support web pages

Training and development service

It is strongly recommended that governing boards ensure the availability of development and training to all governors.

The Governor Support Service offers a comprehensive training and development programme to meet the needs of new and more experienced governors to develop their knowledge and skills. The programme, offered through a traded service to schools, is delivered by a team of experts, and includes sessions relating specifically to the role of governors (such as induction for new governors and Ofsted briefings) and other sessions that provide governors with information about developments across the field of education and new statutory regulations. We also offer access to Learning Link online training platform.

The school, through the governing board, Headteacher and staff. will also provide a range of support for governors.


Governors - all those accountable for governing including Academy trustees (who in some academy trusts, most commonly academies with a religious character, are referred to as directors or company directors);

Headteachers - executive leaders held to account by the board for the performance of the organisation. This may be the CEO, executive headteacher, headteacher or principal.

School - the school or academy being governed.

Board - the accountable body for the school or group of schools: in local authority (LA) maintained schools, this will be the governing body and in an academy trust this will be the trust board.

Interested in becoming a governor?

Become a school governor

Contact us

Merton and Sutton Governor Support Service
Tel: 020 8545 3307 / 3118 / 3923

Governor Support Service
Merton Civic Centre
London Road