This page provides lists (known as 'registers') of various licences held in the borough and recent licence applications.
After opening a document, to find information about a particular premises or address it might be easiest to press Ctrl + F on your keyboard and enter a search term (such as a name or address word) in the box that appears. Please note that shop names do change and address descriptions can vary from person to person. It is also possible for more than one licence to exist for the same location.
Premises and clubs (Licensing Act 2003)
- Current premises and club licensing applications 10 September 2024
This shows current applications still within their consultation period. - Premises licence register 6 September 2024
This shows all existing (unsuspended) premises licences. - Club certificate register 18 November 2022
This shows all existing (unsuspended) club certificates.
Information on making a representation about a current application whilst in the consultation period.
Pavement licences (Business and Planning Act 2020)
Gambling premises (Gambling Act 2005)
- There are currently no gambling premises licence applications under consultation.
- Gambling premises licence register 28 January 2022
This shows all existing gambling premises licences.
Designated premises supervisor information requests
Information about the address of the Designated Premises Supervisor is personal data and as such is subject to the Data Protection Act 1998. This information does not form part of the public register, although it will be provided on receipt of an application for information necessary to prevent or detect crime, to apprehend or prosecute offenders or to establish or defend legal rights, including applications under the Licensing Act 2003.
Requests for this information must specify:
- The identity of the individual or organisation requesting the information
- The purpose for which the information is sought
- The specific information necessary for the stated purpose
Requests should be sent by email to
Contact us
London Borough of Merton
Merton Civic Centre
London Road
Telephone: 020 8545 3969