We will be carrying out public realm improvements on Haydon’s Road Parade between its junction with Gap Road and Cromwell Road. 

The measures which are shown in this drawing will include.

  • Narrowing the junctions of Cromwell Road, Kohat Road and Kingsley Road and replacing the block paving entry treatments with asphalt surfaced tables. Narrowing the side roads will improve safety for all user groups. The central island on Kohat Road is proposed to be removed.
  • Proposed narrowing of the junction of Haydon Park Road and proposed raised tarmac entry treatment. This element of the scheme requires a statutory consultation.
  • Repaving and widening the footway with high quality sandstone paving slabs. 
  • Existing loading and parking bays to be retained and converted to granite sett bays on the pavement. These will serve businesses and widen the pavement when the bays are not being used by vehicles.
  • Introduction of semi mature trees at various locations subject to underground utilities.
  • Proposed cycle stands and bollards to be placed strategically to prevent vehicles mounting the footway.
  • Consultation newsletter - Haydons Road Parade
  • Works notice

The works are scheduled to commence in early January 2024 and expected to take 6 months to complete.