Cabinet Member Approval and Implementation - update 8 March 2017


Following the statutory consultation, the feedback from the community was reported to the Cabinet Member for Regeneration, Environment and Housing in December 2017.

Approval has been given to proceed with implementation of the M2 CPZ Extension with the anticipated operational start of 14 May 2018. A newsletter will be distributed shortly to all properties in the boundary of the scheme to update them of the decision and to notify of the next stage with regards to implementation of signs and lining street works for the CPZ. To download an electronic version please follow the webpage link below.

For further information to the Cabinet Member decision and detailed information to the result of the statutory consultation please see the following links to the Cabinet Member report.

Our parking enforcement team will shortly be distributing to properties within the scheme an information pack, including parking permit application forms.


Update September 2017 – statutory consultation

The Council is carrying out a statutory consultation on its intention to extend the existing M2 Controlled Parking Zone (CPZ) to include Farm Road, Faversham Road and Jarrow Close, to operate Monday – Friday between 10am and 4pm.
For further information please see the link below to the statutory consultation newsletter.

Representations in regards to the proposals described in this Notice must be made by email to or in writing to Future Merton (Traffic and Highways Team 9th Floor), Merton Civic Centre, London Road, Morden, Surrey, SM4 5DX. Representations must reach the Council by no later than 29 September 2017 quoting reference ES/M4.

Objections must relate only to the elements of the scheme that are subject to this statutory consultation.


Update August 2017 - result of the informal consultation

Following the informal consultation that took place between 3 February and 3 March 2017, the Cabinet Member for Regeneration, Environment and Housing has agreed to proceed with a statutory consultation to include Farm Road, Faversham Road and Jarrow Close into the existing M2 CPZ operating Monday – Friday between 10.00am and 4.00pm.

It is also agreed to proceed with a statutory consultation of the relevant Traffic Management Orders (TMOs) to implement the proposed 'At any time' waiting restrictions (as consulted) in the Canterbury Road area as shown in Drawing No. Z78-236-02, which can be downloaded using the link below.

It has been agreed to abandon the proposed M4 CPZ in Calder Road, Canterbury Road, Cartmel Gardens, Cerne Road, Chester Road, Combermere Road, and Crowland Walk.

For further information and detailed information to the result of the informal consultation please see the link to the Cabinet Member decision / report.


Informal consultation 2 February 2017

The Council is seeking the views of the community on proposals to introduce a CPZ in Canterbury Road area between Middleton Road roundabout and Bristol Road and Farm Road Junction with Central Road as shown on the enclosed plans. This proposal is in response to representations received from Canterbury Road residents who are experiencing parking difficulties in their road(s).

Let us know your views

The Council is seeking the views of the community for a proposed CPZ in the Canterbury Road area of St. Helier Ward. The decision on whether or not to proceed with the next stage, which would involve a statutory consultation on the proposal, will be subject to the responses received during this informal consultation. To view the proposed design layout of the zone please see the links in the related documents section below.
Please let us have your views by Friday 3 March 2017 by visiting the following link to the online e-questionnaire.
E-questionnaire for the proposed M4 CPZ

Related documents

What happens next

It is envisaged that the results of the consultation along with officers' recommendations will be presented in a report to the Cabinet Member for Environment, Regeneration and Housing. Once a decision is made you will be informed accordingly.

You may view the plans in Merton Link at Merton Civic Centre, Morden during hours, Monday to Friday between 10am and 4pm.