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List of abbreviations and acronyms used in the Joint Strategic Needs Assessment (JSNA).

Abbreviation Meaning
A&E accident and emergency
AD Alzheimer’s disease
ADASS Association of Directors of Adult Social Services
ADHD attention deficit hyperactivity disorder
AF atrial fibrillation
AIE Analysis of the Impact on Equality
AMR antimicrobial resistance
APS Active People Survey
AQMA Air Quality Management Area
ASB Adult Skills Budget
ASB anti-social behaviour
ASC Adult Social Care (within the Community and Housing Department of Merton Council)
ASCOF Adult Social Care Outcomes Framework
ASCOT adult social care outcomes toolkit
ASD autistic spectrum disorder
ASDR age-standardised death rate
ASPD anti-social personality disorder
BAME black, Asian and minority ethnic
BCS British Crime Survey
BESD behavioural, emotional and social difficulties
BHIVA British HIV Association
BME black and minority ethnic
BP blood pressure
BPD borderline personality disorder
BRE Building Research Establishment
CAMH child and adolescent mental health
CAMHS Child and Adolescent Mental Health Service
CASH Contraception and Sexual Health Clinics
CBT cognitive behavioural therapy
CCG/CCGs Clinical Commissioning Group(s)
CFPP Choice Framework for local Policy and Procedures
CHD coronary heart disease
ChiMat Child and Maternal Health Observatory
CIN children in need
CIPFA Chartered Institute of Public Finance and Accountancy
CMC Coordinate My Care
CMD common mental disorder
CMHT Community Mental Health Team
COAD chronic obstructive airways disease
COPD chronic obstructive pulmonary disease
CPA care plan approach
CPP child protection plan
CQC Care Quality Commission
CQUIN Commissioning for Quality and Innovation
CrISP Carers’ Information and Support Programme
CSEW Crime Survey for England and Wales
CSGBC Cancer Service Guidance for Breast Cancer
CSP Community Safety Partnership
CYP children and young people
DALYs disability-adjusted life years
DAS Dementia Adviser Service
DCLG Department for Communities and Local Government
DCSF Department for Children, Schools and Families (now replaced)
DfE Department for Education
DH Department of Health (referred to throughout)
DNAs do not attends
DOMES Diagnostic Outcomes Monitoring Executive Summary
DOT directly observed therapy
DPPO designated public places order
DSR directly standardised mortality rate
DSWs dementia support workers
DWP Department for Work and Pensions
EAC Elderly Accommodation Counsel
ECG electrocardiogram
Echo echocardiogram
EGPP Ethnic Group Population Projection
EHC emergency hormonal contraception
EoLC end of life care
EPaCCS electronic palliative care coordination system
ESA employment support allowance
ESOL English for speakers of other languages
ETE education, training and employment
EWDI excess winter deaths index
EWDs excess winter deaths
EYFSP Early Years Foundation Stage Profile
FGM female genital mutilation
FNP Family Nurse Partnership
FTEs first-time entrants
GLA Great London Authority
GPs general practitioners
GUM genito-urinary medicine
HCAI healthcare associated infection
HCP Healthy Child Programme
HF heart failure
HIA health impact assessment
HIS Healthcare Infection Society
HIS Integrated House Survey
HIV human immunodeficiency virus
HPA Health Protection Agency (now part of PHE)
HPV human papilloma virus
HRA Housing Revenue Account
HRG Healthcare Resource Group
HSCIS Health and Social Care Information Centre
HSV herpes simplex virus
HUDU Healthy Urban Development Unit
HUS Haemolytic uremic syndrome
HWM Healthwatch Merton
IAPT improving access to psychological therapies
ICSWP Intercollegiate Stroke Working Party
IMD English Indices of Multiple Deprivation
JCVI Joint Committee on Vaccination and Immunisation
JSA Job Seeker’s Allowance
JSNA Joint Strategic Needs Assessment
KSI Killed or Seriously Injured
LAAs local area agreements
LAC looked-after children
LAPE Local Alcohol Profiles for England
LAQN London Air Quality Network
LARC long-acting reversible contraception
LAS London Ambulance Service
LBM London Borough of Merton
LBW low birth weight
LCP Liverpool Care Pathway
LGBT lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender
LHO London Health Observatory
LINks Local Involvement Networks
LSCB Local Safeguarding Children Board
LST life skills training
MAAT Merton Adult Access Team
MAES Merton Adult Education Service
MASH Multi-Agency Safeguarding Hub
MCDS Maternity and Children’s Data Set
MDRTB multidrug-resistant TB
Merton CCG Merton Clinical Commissioning Group
MILES Merton Independent Living and Engagement Service
MMR measles, mumps and rubella
MND motor neurone disease -
MNDA Motor Neurone Disease Association
MoU memorandum of understanding
MS multiple sclerosis
MSM men who have sex with men
MSOA middle super output area
MST multisystemic therapy
MST-PSB multisystemic therapy for problem sexual behaviour
MTS Mayor’s Transport Strategy
NAO National Audit Office
NCIN National Cancer Intelligence Network
NCMP National Child Measurement Programme
NCSP National Chlamydia Screening Programme
NDEC National Drug Evidence Centre
NDSE National Dementia Strategy for England
NDTMS National Drug Treatment Monitoring System
NEET Not in Education, Employment or Training
NEoLCIN National End of Life Care Intelligence Network
NEPHO North East Public Health Observatory
NHB New Homes Bonus
NHS DEP NHS Dental Epidemiology Programme
NHS IQ NHS Improving Quality
NHSLA National Health Service Litigation Authority
NICE National Institute for Health and Care Excellence (formerly National Institute for Health and Clinical Excellence)
NRT nicotine replacement therapy
NSCLC non-small-cell lung cancer
NTA National Treatment Agency
OCD obsessive-compulsive disorder
OCUs opiate or crack cocaine users
ONS the Office for National Statistics
OOH out of hours
OPCS Office of Population Censuses and Surveys
PALS Patient Advice and Liaison Service
PANSI Projecting Adult Needs and Service Information system
PbR payment by results
PCTs primary care trusts
PHAST Public Health Action Support Team
PHE Public Health England
PHOF Public Health Outcomes Framework
POPPI Projection Older People Population Information system
PPC preferred priorities of care
PPD preferred place of death
PSHE personal, social, health and economic education
PTSD post-traumatic stress disorder
QIPP Quality, Innovation, Productivity and Prevention
QOF Quality and Outcomes Framework
RCA root cause analysis
RCP the Royal College of Physicians
RSV respiratory syncytial virus
SA Strategic Assessment
SAR standardised admission ratio
SCLC small cell lung cancer
SEN special educational needs
SEND special education needs and disabilities
SFA Skills Funding Agency
SGH St George’s Hospital
SHLAA Strategic Housing and Land Availability Assessment  
SHMA Strategic Housing Market Assessment
SII Slope Index of Inequality
SLA service level agreement
SLHP South London HIV Partnership
SMI severe mental illness
SMPCT Sutton and Merton Primary Care Trust (now replaced)
SMR Standardised mortality ratio
SPOT spend and outcome tool
STIs sexually transmitted infections
SWEP Severe Weather Emergency Protocol
SWL Las South West  London local authorities
SWLSTG South West London and St George’s
TaMHS Targeted Mental Health in Schools
TB tuberculosis
THT Terrence Higgins Trust
TIA transient ischaemic attack
UKPDS UK Prospective Diabetes Study
VCFOs voluntary, community and faith organisations  
VHF viral haemorrhagic fever
WHO World Health Organization
WMPHO West Midlands Public Health Observatory