Co-opted members are non-councillor members of certain committees, appointed where specialist input is required or where an outside view of the council can be useful in guiding councillors’ deliberations.

Some co-opted members of the Overview and Scrutiny Commission and the Children and Young People Scrutiny Panel are statutory (i.e. the Council must appoint to these positions by law) and these members will be able to vote on educational matters which fall within their remit.

Statutory co-opted members

Statutory co-opted members are subject to the code of conduct and are required to make a declaration of disclosable pecuniary interests and to declare offers of gifts and hospitality made to them in their role as a co-opted member.

The statutory members of the Overview and Scrutiny Commission and the Children and Young People Overview and Scrutiny Panel are:

  • Mansoor Ahmad, Secondary and Special School Parent Governor Representative
  • Dr Oona Stannard, Roman Catholic Diocesan Representative
  • Becky Cruise, Primary School Parent Governor Representative
  • Roz Cordner, Church of England Diocesan Representative

Non-statutory co-opted members

There is also provision for non-voting, non-statutory co-opted members on scrutiny committees.

Non-statutory co-opted members are not legally subject to the code of conduct or requirements on declarations but they are expected to observe the principles governing councillors’ behaviour in carrying out their duties.

Independent persons

Independent persons are people appointed to oversee the code of conduct and complaints against councillors. They cannot be employees of the council or councillors.

They are not legally subject to the code of conduct or requirements on declarations but they are expected to observe the principles governing councillors behaviour in carrying out their duties. They are invited to attend meetings of Standards Committee in an advisory, non-voting capacity.

The independent persons are Clive Douglas and Katy Willison.

Payments to co-opted members and independent persons

The statutory co-opted members and independent persons are entitled an allowance details of which are available with the Councillors' allowances and expenses information.