Sometimes caring for a loved one can impact your financial wellbeing. There may be financial support available to help you.

Financial help from the council

The carer’s assessment process may be able help you access financial support. This could include:

  • a one-off payment, or
  • a personal budget to help you in your caring role

Carer’s Allowance

If you provide care for someone for 35 hours a week or more, you may be able to claim Carer’s Allowance from central government.

Your National Insurance contributions will not impact the amount paid but there is a cap on how much you can earn from work and still receive the allowance.

Carer’s Allowance: How it works and how to claim (GOV.UK)

Attendance Allowance

The person you care for could apply for Attendance Allowance (or you could on their behalf) if they are physically or mentally disabled, are state pension age and need significant support. It is not means tested but based on the amount of support needed.

Attendance Allowance: Overview (GOV.UK)

Age UK has some useful guidance on applying for attendance allowance.

Benefits advice

You or the person you care for may also qualify for other benefits.

Find out about benefits for carers (NHS)

You can also use the Carers Trust Benefits calculator to work out what you might be entitled to.

For help with researching and applying for these please see our Benefits Advice page.

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