Update Formal Consultation - 18 February 2011

RPE (5F extension) - Toynbee Road

The outcome of the informal consultation carried out in August/September 2010, on the proposal to introduce a controlled parking zone (CPZ) in Toynbee Road, resulted in a total of 152 questionnaires returned, representing a response rate of 47.1%. As it can be seen from the table, 34.9% of respondents indicated that they currently have parking problems in their roads compared to 55.2% who feel that they do not.

A majority of 70.4% do not support the concept of a CPZ, compared to 23.0% who do, with 6.6% undecided.

The results of the consultation along with your views and officers’ recommendations were presented in a report to the Cabinet Member of Environmental Sustainability & Regeneration on 15 November 2010. After careful consideration, a decision was made to:

  • NOT proceed with the introduction of ‘RPE’ CPZ in Abbott Avenue, Burstow Road, Dennis Park Crescent, Lower Downs Road and Rotherwood Close.
  • Proceed with a statutory consultation to introduce double yellow line waiting restrictions at key locations such as junctions, bends, cul-de-sacs and locations where traffic flow is impeded.
  • Given that the majority of Toynbee Road residents (51.5%) support the proposed CPZ, it has been decided to proceed with a statutory consultation to introduce Toynbee Road only as an extension to the existing 5F CPZ, to be operational Mondays to Fridays between 8.30am to 6.30pm.

See also

5F extension

The Council is also seeking the views, of residents in the existing 5F CPZ, to include the uncontrolled section of Toynbee Road within the existing 5F CPZ. It is considered that this proposed measure will assist residents of Toynbee Road with the current parking difficulties that is being experienced in their road.

See also

Informal Consultation - 27 August 2010

The Council is consulting on proposals to introduce a Controlled Parking Zone (CPZ) in the Toynbee Road area. This proposal is in response to concerns and a petition received from local residents who are experiencing parking difficulties in their road/s. Generally residents feel that the problem is being caused by:

  • Staff and pupils from the nearby schools.
  • Commuters who park and complete their journey by public transport from nearby trains stations.
  • Displaced Parking from neighbouring CPZs.
  • Residents within the neighbouring CPZs avoiding parking charges.


The Council is considering options relating to the operational hours and days of the proposed parking measures in your area. The choice of operational hours are explained below:

All Day Controls (8.30am - 6.30pm): This will provide maximum protection to the residents by removing short and long-term parking. It will, however, be less flexible for residents and their visitors who will need to obtain a visitor’s permit from the resident they are visiting in order to park in the permit holder bays.

Part Time Controls (10am - 4pm): These operating times offer less restrictions on residents and their visitors than ‘all day’ controls. It is still effective in preventing long-term parkers. However, it may encourage short-term parking by non residents or businesses, such as shoppers outside the operating times. Residents returning from work later in the afternoon may find less available parking in their street due to this. The standard annual parking permit charges will still apply regardless of the hours the zone operates.

One-hour control (11am - 12 noon): : This minimum restriction offers more flexibility to residents and their visitors than the part time day controls, reducing the amount of visitors’ permits they would normally obtain, and is still effective in restricting long-term parking. However, it may encourage other short term parking outside the restricted time, by non-residents such as shoppers. Non-residents may also work their way around the one-hour by moving their vehicles and then returning to park for the rest of the day. The standard annual parking permit charges will still apply regardless of the hours the zone operates.

The operational days include:

Monday to Friday: This will offer more flexibility to residents and visitors at weekends. However it may encourage non residents, especially shoppers, to park on Saturdays, therefore reducing available parking for your visitors. The standard annual parking permit charges will still apply regardless of the days the zone operates.

Monday to Saturday: This will protect parking by weekend shoppers. However it will be more restrictive on your visitors who will need a visitors permit from you in order to park during the controlled times.

In the event that the majority of those consulted reject the CPZ in their road, and the Council agrees not to proceed, officers will recommend that the double yellow lines identified at key locations are proposed and introduced for safety and access purposes.

Let us know your views

The decision on whether or not to proceed with the next step, which would involve a statutory consultation on the proposals, will be subject to the responses received during this informal consultation.

The consultation period for these proposals closed on 17 September 2010.

We regret that due to the number of responses received during a public consultation it will not be possible to individually reply to each respondent. We welcome your comments on this proposal, which will be noted and included within the proposed measures where appropriate. It should be noted that subject to responses received recommendation may be made to include those roads or parts of those roads who support the proposed measures within a CPZ. You are also invited to speak to officers at our drop-in sessions.

What happens next

It is envisaged that the result of the consultation along with officers’ recommendations will be reported to the Street Management Advisory Committee and the Cabinet Member for Planning and Traffic Management. Once a decision is made you will be informed accordingly.

See also

Contact us

Traffic & Highways
Merton Civic Centre
London Road
Telephone: 020 8545 3208
Fax: 020 8545 4865
Email: trafficandhighways@merton.gov.uk