Update - 23 February 2007

Following the decision of the Cabinet Member, Merton Council is undertaking a formal consultation on the proposed Safer Routes to Schools scheme on Hillcross Avenue. Please refer to the newsletter and plan for more details.

Update 30 January 2007

The results of the public consultation were reported to the Street Management Advisory Committee and the Cabinet Member on 15 January 2007 where it was agreed to undertake formal consultation. Formal consultation newsletters will be going out to residents in due course.

View the report presented to the Street Advisory Committee. You can also view the details of the decision (requires Adobe Acrobat, version 5 or later).

Public Consultation - October 2006

Merton Council is carrying out a public consultation on a proposal to introduce a zebra crossing on Hillcross Avenue near its junction with Monkleigh Road.

Safer Routes to School (SRTS) projects are funded by Transport for London. It involves working with schools to encourage and enable children to safely walk, cycle and use public transport through a combined package of engineering and educational measures. Schools can apply for SRTS funding when they have completed a School Travel Plan.

Hillcross Primary School is in the SRTS programme. Within their School Travel Plan the school has highlighted the issue of their pupils crossing Hillcross Avenue between Nos. 109 and 207 Hillcross Avenue. Due to the nature of the road, the school is concerned about the safety of pupils whilst crossing the road. (See plan overleaf for details)

The proposals include:

  1. a new zebra crossing on a 10m speed table with fifty metres of anti-skid surfacing either side. The anti-skid will assist vehicles in slowing down and stopping quickly
  2. two new yellow backed signs: pedestrian crossing ahead/humped crossing. This will inform drivers approaching the new feature ahead
  3. existing traffic islands between Nos. 113 and 125 Hillcross Avenue are to be upgraded with 'look Right' and 'Look Left' road markings
  4. new 'SLOW' road marking outside Nos. 161 and 168 Hillcross Avenue
  5. the introduction of double yellow lines in Hillcross Avenue at its junctions with Ashridge Way and Monkleigh Road. This will improve sightlines, access and will assist pedestrian to use the dropped kerb at the junction.

Due to limited funding available the council can only introduce the above measures at this moment in time.

Additional information

Due to limited funding, resources and the new targets set by Transport for London (TfL), it is necessary to concentrate our resources on casualty reduction - it is necessary to prioritise roads according to reported personal injury accident figures. This is to say that only personal injury (PI) accidents can be considered and investigated. According to the personal injury accident records provided by TfL, over the last three years there have been two reported and confirmed personal injury accidents in Hillcross Avenue.

One serious accident occurred on 13 September 2004 approximately 30 metres southwest of Hillcross Avenue / Monkleigh Road junction involving a driver losing control and hitting a number of stationary vehicles.

The other accident occurred on 11 December 2004 approximately 54 metres northeast of Hillcross Avenue junction with Monkleigh Road when two passengers on a bus were slightly injured.

The council is aware of a more recent accident; however we have not yet been provided with the confirmed details.

Compared to the higher number of personal injury accidents on other roads in the borough, it is difficult justifying any traffic calming measures along Hillcross Avenue at present. However, the council will continue to monitor the area and take the appropriate action if and when necessary.

The objective of the proposed measures is to provide a safe crossing facility for pedestrians particularly school children. This is not a local safety measure but forms part of the Safer Route to School project which is subject to different funding and criteria.

How to make your views count

The consultation period for this scheme closed on 17 November 2006.

The decision on the implementation of the scheme will be subject to the responses received during this consultation.

What happens next

The result of the consultation along with officers' recommendations will be reported to either the Street Management Advisory Committee on the 15 January 2007 or if appropriate earlier to the Cabinet Member for Environment and Street Management for a decision. Once a decision is made you will be informed accordingly via a newsletter.