Update - 20 November 2007

results of the informal consultation carried out in July 2007 along with officers' comments were submitted to the Street Management Advisory Committee in its meeting on 06 November 2007. Please refer to the report and decision for more details.

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Informal Consultation - July 2007

Merton Council is proposing to make it easier and more convenient for pedestrians, particularly children, to use the footway and cross High Path outside Merton Abbey Primary School.

This proposal is part of a borough wide initiative funded by Transport for London aimed at improving conditions for those attending schools in the borough by trying to make it more convenient to walk and, in some schools, cycle to school. At Merton Abbey School already 65% of children walk to school and the aim is to increase this number.

Following discussions with the School it has been agreed that a safer crossing facility and wider footway outside the school would be beneficial. The Council is therefore proposing to widen the very narrow footway outside the school and replace an existing road hump with a (6 metre long) speed table close to one of the pedestrian access points to the school.

The proposed scheme will raise drivers’ awareness, reduce vehicular speed and help control the crossing area.