Update September 2016

Following the Council's decision to introduce the proposed parking management scheme in Deer Park Road, It is scheduled that the street works will start the week commencing Monday 26thSeptember 2016 for a period of 5 days, weather permitting. Work will be carried out between 8am and 4.30pm. To allow the works to be carried out as quickly as possible, temporary parking restrictions will be introduced. "No Parking" cones and signs will be in place to indicate the areas where parking would be prohibited. By doing so, this will keep the roads free of parked vehicles allowing a smooth transition of the works. Vehicles would be allowed back into the road once the lining work is complete or after the working day. Offending vehicles run the risk of receiving a fine and possible relocation. residents will be allowed to park on the completed bays during the implementation work.

Notices and cones will be placed in the road 12 – 48hrs prior to work being undertaken.
The Council is conscious of the inconvenience and the disruption that this work may cause and will endeavour to keep the impact to a minimum. We apologise in advance for any inconvenience that may be caused by these works.

Update - July 2016

Following the statutory consultation the feedback from the business community was reported to the Cabinet Member. Approval has been given to proceed with implementation of the proposed parking management scheme in Deer Park Road. A newsletter to update the community on the scheduled implementation will be distributed in due course.

For further information see the links below to the Cabinet Member decision sheet and the statutory consultation report.


Deer Park Road parking management decision sheet


Statutory Consultation 12 May 2016

Due to a history of long-term parking in Deer Park Road, which included regular overnight parking and people setting up residence on the public highway, parking availability has been limited for use by local businesses and visitors to the business estate.

Proposed measures

The Council is carrying out a statutory consultation on its intention to introduce parking restrictions to address the overnight parking and double yellow lines on corners and across dropped kerb accesses to improve safety, visibility and provide clear access. To improve parking facilities for the local community free parking places, including a motorcycle parking bay, will be provided.

A section of pay and display parking, operating Monday - Friday 8.30am - 6.30pm, is included as part of the proposals to facilitate visitor parking and increase a regular turn over of available parking places, although no maximum stay period is proposed. The Council carries out careful consultation to ensure that all road users are given a fair opportunity to give their views and express their needs on parking proposals.

A single yellow line waiting restriction will be marked through the free parking bays and through the pay and display bays and motorcycle parking bay that will operate Monday - Sunday 10pm - 5am. This will restrict vehicles from parking in this section of road between these times and stop overnight parking.

Related document

Statutory consultation newsletter