We try to make sure that we provide a high-quality service and sort out problems straight away wherever possible, but we know there may be times when you are not satisfied.

Tell us about a problem for the first time

Please speak to your allocated worker and their manager in the first instance.

If you weren't able to resolve the problem this way, you can make a formal complaint.

If you remain dissatisfied

Following informal appeal, if you remain dissatisfied, you can make a complaint following the council's formal complaints procedure.

You or someone acting on your behalf will need to fill in the online form: 
Make a formal complaint

You will need to clearly set out the issues that you are dissatisfied with.

The following issues can be dealt with through the formal complaint process:

  • eligibility – our decision whether you are eligible to receive funded care support, or what needs we should meet
  • assessment – the results of our assessment of your needs
  • support plan – the level of choice you have about how the outcomes set out in your support plan are met
  • personal budget – the amount of money allocated to meet your needs
  • review – outcome of a review of the care and support plan

Find out more about the complaints procedure