A Merton Managed Account (MMA) is a chargeable service offered to adult social care customers who would like the benefits of a direct payment but do not feel confident managing the financial processes on their own. 

The service is also open to those who do not receive financial support towards their care needs from us, known as self-funders.

We will need to assess whether you need this financial management service and whether you could pay for it. If you are eligible, we will allocate extra money to help you fund it.

How it works

Your direct payment will be paid into your Merton Managed Account and payments made on your behalf for the services agreed in your care plan. 

You retain control, deciding how you want your care and support needs delivered. 

You benefit from enjoying the flexibility of a direct payment without the additional financial management responsibilities.

Options and costs

There are three charging options. If, during your assessment, it is shown that you have a need for a money management service, you may receive money within your personal budget to help pay for it.

  • The one-off setup service - MMA officers will liaise with providers to set up details, such as: start dates, how and when the services will be provided, and how they will be paid. You can then pay the bills as they arrive.
  • A temporary managed account - MMA officers will manage your personal budget and use it to pay for services that have been selected by you and listed in your support plan. Officers will work with you to develop your skills and confidence in dealing with these financial processes so you can take on full financial responsibility when you are ready.
  • An ongoing managed account - a complete service. Officers can manage all the financial processes associated with your personal budget you find difficult or would prefer not to manage. 

How to get a Merton Managed Account (MMA)

If you need adult social care support from us you will have a needs assessment and a financial assessment. The needs assessment includes looking at whether you need a financial management service like an MMA. We can help with completing these forms if needed. 

When these assessments are complete you will be offered help with planning how to spend the money allocated. 

You will then be referred to the Direct Payments Team who can help you complete forms and locate services. Once completed, an MMA officer will contact you to arrange for the selected MMA service to be put in place.

There is more information in our Direct payments and prepaid card leaflet.

For more information on Merton managed accounts please see the Merton Managed Accounts leaflet.

Contact us

Email: mmaduty@merton.gov.uk
Telephone: 020 8545 3925