A carer is anyone who looks after a family member or friend, unpaid, who may need support because of: 

  • illness
  • frailty
  • a disability
  • a mental health problem
  • an addiction

You may not think of yourself as a carer. You may think you are just being a good relative or friend. However, it could mean you are missing out on support and financial help from the government.

Organisations that can help

The following organisations can provide information, advice and support for carers in Merton:

Carers First is an independent charity providing information, advice, activities and support services.

Alzheimer’s Society 's Merton Dementia Hub offers information, advice and support to the family and friends of those with dementia.

Merton Mencap is an independent charity supporting people with a learning disability or autism, and their parents and carers.

Merton Community Hub can connect you to other support available in the community. 

Carers UK Digital Resource for Carers is a website with e-learning, factsheets, guides and tools to help you manage your caring responsibilities. Merton residents can register for a free account using the access code DPCN9365.

Our Adult Social Care Team can support a range of people, including carers. To do this we carry out a carer’s assessment to find out what services would help you the most.

More useful links