Merton's Sites and Policies Plan contains the detailed planning policies to help assess planning applications in Merton. It also allocates sites for redevelopment between 2014 and 2024.

Merton's Policies Map (formerly known as the Proposals Map) is published alongside the Sites and Policies Plan setting out where town centre boundaries, areas of open space and nature conservation, shopping frontages, industrial areas are found in Merton. It also shows sites allocated for specific developments.

Merton's Sites and Policies Plan and Policies Map were adopted at council on 9 July 2014

Adoption statement for Merton's Sites and Policies Plan, Policies Maps and sustainability appraisal

Due to the size of the files, the policies and maps are divided into sections to make it easier to download.

Part 1 Merton's Sites and Policies Plan - Policies

Part 2 Merton Sites and Policies Plan- index of sites and maps

Merton Policies Map - borough wide

Merton Policies Maps - borough wide - contains the following maps:

  • Conservation areas
  • Archaeological Priority Zones
  • Scheduled Ancient Monuments
  • Historic Parks and Gardens
  • Areas at risk from flooding
  • Industrial areas

What has happened so far?

Stage 1 - "call for sites" consultation between July and September 2011

Between July and September 2011 landowners, developers and other interested parties suggested sites that may have potential for redevelopment to an alternative use over the next 10 years. We also heard from people and organisations with ideas for issues which should be considered when granting planning permission for new development in Merton.

Feedback from this consultation and research informed the Stage 2 preferred options for the Sites and Policies Plan and the Proposals Map.

Stage 2 – "Planning ahead: draft Sites and Policies Plan and Proposals Map – preferred options" (January-May 2012)

Thanks to everyone who took the time to respond to the potential sites, draft detailed planning policies and the draft Proposals Map.

This Stage 2 public consultation gave residents, landowners, community groups and other interested parties the opportunity to comment on the council's preferred options for 20 detailed planning policies, approximately 50 sites and land designations.

Stage 2 documents and consultation responses (received between January and May 2012)

Stage 2a - additional sites and policies "preferred options continued" (June-July 2012)

This consultation is now closed (May 2012). Thanks to everyone who took the time to respond.

15 new sites were suggested by people and organisations responding to Stage 2. The council also proposed three additional detailed planning policies and some changes to the industrial estate boundaries and potential tram routes.

Stage 2a documents and consultation responses (received between June and July 2012)

This work has been combined with feedback from Stage 2 (January-May 2012)  to form the final Sites and Policies Plan and Policies Map published for consultation in January 2013 as stage 3.

Stage 3 - Draft sites and policies plan and policies maps (January-February 2013)

This consultation took place between 16 January and 27 February 2013 and is now closed. Thank you to everyone who took the time to respond.

The consultation documents and all of the responses that we have received are available online at the link below

Stage 4: pre-submission publication: July- August 2013

On 10 July 2013, Merton Council resolved to submit Merton's Sites and Policies Plan to the Secretary of State. Pre-submission consultation took place between 16 July and 30 August 2013. Thank you to everybody who took the time to respond. Stage 4 documents and responses received for this consultation

Submission to the Secretary of State: 02 October 2013

On 02 October 2013, Merton Council submitted the final Sites and Policies Plan Policies Maps and supporting evidence to the Secretary of State. He appointed an independent Planning Inspector, Mr. R. Yuille MSc DipTP MRTPI, to conduct the examination.

Submitted Sites and Policies Plan, Policies Map and supporting evidence (examination library)

Examination hearings: 21-29 January 2014

As part of his examination into the soundness of the Plan, the independent planning inspector chaired four days of public hearings between 21-29 January 2014

Examination hearings agenda and main matters

Public consultation after the Hearings: 24 February to 08 April 2014

The council consulted on eleven Main Modification to Merton's Sites and Policies Plan for six weeks from Monday 24 February to 08 April 2014.

The Main Modifications to the Plan arose during its independent examination, including the public hearings that took place during January 2014.

Planning inspector's final report received

In June 2014 the council received the final report from the independent planning inspector

Merton Sites and Policies Plan - planning inspector's final report

Contact us

Future Merton
London Borough of Merton
9th Floor Civic Centre
London Road
Morden SM4 5DX

Telephone: 020 8545 3837
Fax: 020 8545 4160