Local community organisations can nominate land and buildings for inclusion on a list of 'assets of community value' maintained by us. If the owner wants to sell the property, a moratorium period of up to six months will be triggered during which it cannot be sold. This will allow community groups time to prepare a bid before the property may be sold on the open market.

What is an asset of community value?

A building or piece of land can be considered for listing if its principle use only furthers or has recently furthered their communities social well-being or social interests and is likely to continue to do so. It can include cultural, sporting or recreational interests and can be either privately or publicly owned.

Who can nominate

Voluntary or community bodies that must be either:

  • A neighbouring parish council
  • An informal group of 21 or more people on the local electoral register
  • A neighbourhood forum designed as such by the planning authority, or
  • A community interest group with a local connection.

Community interest groups must:

  • Have a formal structure
  • Be a registered charity
  • A company limited by guarantee or an industrial and provident society that does not distribute profits among its members, or
  • A community interest company.

Only such groups or the local parish council may nominate an asset for listing. Individuals cannot nominate and the local authority cannot list on its own initiative.

Make a nomination

If your group is eligible you may apply in writing to nominate and include the following details:

  • Description of land including its proposed boundaries. The boundaries do not have to be the same as ownership boundaries, nor is it necessary for all parts of the site to be in the same ownership.
  • Details of the current freeholders, leaseholders and current occupants of the site.
  • The reason for nominating the asset, explaining why you feel it meets the definition in the Act.
  • The nominator's eligibility to make the nomination.

You will also need to provide evidence of your eligibility to nominate. To assist you may download and complete the following application and return it to the address at the foot of the page.

Successful nominations

Once the completed form is received, we will consider the eligibility of the nomination and if successful the asset will be added to the list of assets of community value, where it will remain for five years. A local land charge will be placed on the Local Land Charges Register and a Restriction registered against the title of the property and the Land Registry. Once the five years has expired the property will be removed from the list and the charge and the Restriction will be discharged. This process can be repeated.

Should the property be listed the owner does have the right to ask for a review and there is a process in place to appeal to an independent body, the guidance concerning this will be given by letter to the owner of the property.

The council has eight weeks from receipt of the application to make its decision. Once a decision is made whether successful or not the nominee and the property owner will be informed.

You can view our current list of assets of community value.

Unsuccessful nominations

Unsuccessful nominations will be placed on the list of unsuccessful community nominations.

The nominee and the owner will be advised.

List of unsuccessful community nominations

Appeals and complaints

Appeal and complaints policy

Further guidance and information

Guide to the Localism Act

See also

Community Right to Challenge

Contact us

Property Management and Review
8th Floor
Merton Civic Centre
London Road

Telephone: 020 8545 3071
Email: propertymanagement@merton.gov.uk