On this page

Current unauthorised camp sites in Merton

Details of any unauthorised encampments will be listed here when we become aware of them.

  • We are not aware of any current unauthorised encampments in the borough.

Report a site

To report an unauthorised site please email property.management@merton.gov.uk or phone the Metropolitan Police on 101, or in an emergency phone 999.

Unauthorised Encampment Protocol

The joint protocol agreement between the police and the council outlines the policy and operational response to unlawful encampments within the borough.

Each case of unauthorised encampment will be individually considered on its merits, before any decision on police response is made.

The protocol acknowledges the status and rights of Romany Gypsies and Irish Travellers as distinct ethnic groups and our duty under the Race Relations Amendment Act (RRAA) to positively promote good race relations.

Traveller Unauthorised Encampment Protocol

We recognise that Merton has a long history of Traveller culture and that many of our residents are of Traveller heritage. Travellers often struggle to access services around health, education and housing. Those who are highly mobile can miss out on the support they need. Therefore we will endeavour to ensure that the needs of children, younger people and other vulnerable groups from highly mobile Traveller families are met. We acknowledge that this means we have dual and sometimes conflicting roles in relation to Travellers who camp unlawfully.

High Court injunction 2019

The Council was previously granted Injunction Orders to protect various sites across the borough from unlawful encampments and fly-tipping, which Injunction was made final on 13 March 2019.

On 10 November 2020 this Injunction Order was discharged and is no longer in force.