Transitional relief limits how much your Business Rates bill can change each year as a result of Business Rates revaluation.

How much your bill can change by from one year to the next depends on your property's rateable value. You will stop getting transitional relief when your bill reaches the full amount set by a revaluation

Upwards Caps2023/242024/25 before inflation2025/26 before inflation
Small (RV up to £20,000 or £28,000 in London)5%10%25%
Medium (RV between £20,000 to £100,000)15%25%40%
Large (RV greater than £100,000)30%40%55%

These are year on year caps on increases. Caps are applied before changes in other reliefs and supplements.

If you have received a Transitional Certificate following a change in rateable value, then the transitional certificate value will be used in the business rates calculation for your property instead of the usual rateable value.

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Contact us

Merton Link
Merton Civic Centre
London Road

We are open from 9.00am to 5.00pm Monday to Friday


Telephone: 020 8545 3751

We are no longer able to attend to personal visitors at the Civic Centre. You can email us anytime or telephone between 9am and 5pm.