Local Government and Social Care Ombudsman (LGSCO) investigates complaints about councils and other authorities and organisations, including education admissions appeal panels and adult social care providers (such as care homes and home care providers).

The service is free, fair and independent and is available after the claimant has had a reply to a written complaint from the council and exhausted all other stages of the council’s complaints procedure.

Maladministration reports

Where the Ombudsman considers there has been some fault in the way an authority has or has not done something, this would be considered 'maladministration'. Maladministration reports published by the Ombudsman since 2011 are listed below.

If you would like a hard copy of any report please contact the Complaints Team at 020 8545 3060 or complaints@merton.gov.uk. Hard copies will be available to view at the Civic Centre by appointment, please contact the Complaints Team for assistance.

Annual reviews

The LGSCO sends us annual reviews (previously called annual letters) about our performance in dealing with complaints made against us.

Council performance (LGSCO website)

Other reports and decisions

Reports and decisions for Merton Council (LGSCO website)