On this page

Searching our records

You can search Merton's burial and cremation registers online.

You can search Merton Register Office's birth, death and marriage indices in person, for a maximum of 6 successive hours by appointment. The fee for this general search is £18.

Some historical electoral registers and parish registers are available to view at Merton Heritage and Local Studies Centre.

Request a certified copy of a birth, death or marriage certificate

Order a certificate

Related websites

Opening hours

Monday to Friday 9.00am - 4.30pm, except for the third Thursday of every month when the office closes at 12.30pm.

Saturday and Sunday some services are available by appointment only.

Contact us

Merton Register Office
Morden Park House
Morden Park
London Road

Map of Merton Register Office

Email: register.office@merton.gov.uk
Telephone: 020 8274 5777

Facebook - Merton Register Office